Computer Games...
Below are our articles on the subject of Computer Games. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Choosing Appropriate Video or Computer Games for a Child
It's hard to know what tolook for when you're buying video games for children. Here's a guide to video game ratings....

How Much Time Should Kids Spend on Computer Games?
Most children come into contact with computer and video games at a younf age but you don't want them to become addicted to these toys. How do you limit time - and what…...

Impact of Computer Games on Child Behaviour
Are the scare stories about violent games affacting children's behaviour actually anything you should be worried about?...

Impact of Computer Games on Child Development
There are often reports in the media about how bad children's computer games and consoles are for their development - but all kids seem to love what should…...