Home > Quality


Below are our articles on the subject of Quality. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
A Guide to Buying Hand Made Toys
A Guide to Buying Hand Made Toys
Handmade toys are making a comeback in a world where mass produced toys are losing their appeal due to environmental concerns and product recalls....
A Guide to Buying Imported Toys
A Guide to Buying Imported Toys
With all the scares about the safety of imported toys, what can you do to minimise the risk for your children?...
Are Toy Labels an Indication of Quality?
Are Toy Labels an Indication of Quality?
There are so many symbols on toy labels - but do any of them mean that you're buying a good quality toy for your child?...
Does it Matter Which Toy Store or Outlet I Buy From?
Does it Matter Which Toy Store or Outlet I Buy From?
Does it really matter where you buy your toys from? well, yes it does if you want to be protected by the law......
Free Toys With Take Aways
Free Toys With Take Aways
Free toys with food used to be a childhood pleasure - so where have they gone?...
How Well Made are Toys from China?
How Well Made are Toys from China?
Chinese Imports have not got the best of reputations after product recalls and scare stories hit the headlines - but what is the real problem, and what can you do if…...
Soft Toy Manufacture and Safety
Soft Toy Manufacture and Safety
Teddies and soft toys are adorable and loved by children of all ages. But what should you look out for, and can they be dangerous?...