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Toys for Primary School Children

By: Sarah Clark (ILEX) - Updated: 23 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
School Aged Toys Educational Toys

As your child gets to school age and starts to make friends, it becomes even more important to nurture their creativity and inquisitiveness. It’s quite common for older children to lose interest in some of their old favourite toys and activities, and so introducing children to creative play, school aged toys and using their imaginations will keep things fresh and exciting for them.

Which Educational Toys Will Keep My School Aged Child Happy?

Educational toys can be anything from puppets and dolls houses, costumes and other make believe play items, toy pianos and other instruments; children’s gadgets, construction sets with more intricate parts to play with, and of course art and craft sets to express all that budding creative ability!

As children reach school age they begin to lose interest in basic creative play such as dressing up and make believe, and they start to prefer games and school aged toys that come with a set of rules which they must master and follow. Now’s the time to introduce them to children's toys, card and board games which they can play alone or in a group.

Some good school age toys and games to try are board and ball games, active games such as chasing and racing games, skipping, or hop-scotch. Playing this type of game helps children to learn how to work with their friends in teams, develops logic and encourages creativity.

Ideas for School Aged Toys

Board games, table tennis and football, marbles and similar children’s toys will help your child to develop the skills they need for social and solitary play.

Science sets where children can discover more about any area of science that fascinates them (such as the universe, natural world, human body) will stimulate children’s brains, as will various types of craft kit, construction set and anything to do with a new hobby that your child has taken an interest in.

electric trains, racing cars, and other electronic and remote controlled gadgets are fun for kids and as a bonus they help children with examining and experimenting with the world around them.

Ideal Gadgets for School Aged Children’s Toys

If you have an older school aged child, you may well have already been pestered for children's gadgets, especially a games console, whether it’s a wii, an Xbox, Nintendo, Playstation or PSP.

Video and PC games are a must-have for kids these days and it’s better to understand these children’s gadgets (and adults love to play with them too) than to pretend they don’t exist and keep trying to get your little angels to play chess instead!

Or they could even play chess on a hand held console which will tick both boxes. There are good educational toys and games that can be played on a hand held console – such as Sudoko and word games, so it’s not all about cartoon hedgehogs.

Another bonus of this type of game is that the right type of games on children's gadgets can help to develop a child’s reaction speeds, hand eye coordination, language, and social capabilities.

School Aged Toys for Active Kids

School aged children should be out and about being active, and enjoying physical play. Great school aged toys for this purpose are things we all loved as kids - a bicycle, roller skates, scooters, a pogo stick, and sports equipment.

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